SHIPS on Fire

Ep 5: What Gets Scheduled Gets Done; It's a Date!

April 27, 2020 Keola and Jess Episode 5

Episode Summary 
Dating is not the only way, but a great way to strengthen your relationship with your spouse. It can't be a "can't happen", it has to happen. Keola and Jess talk about why dating each other is important and how they went from no dates to a date once a week. How do we make time? What do we talk about and what can we do now during Covid-19 and ongoing. What gets scheduled, gets done!

Show Notes: 

Ships sailed: 

  • Relationship 
  • Courtship 
  • Leadership 

Scripture Reference: 
Ephesians 5: 21-33
Genesis 2:18
Romans 1:12

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